“Which brings me to the one succinct phrase that could keep the Democrats in power in 2012: “We’ll legalize pot.” I’m not saying this just to get cheap applause. I’m saying it because reliable surveys tell us that there’s only one thing that will rouse our precious youth to the polls the way Jackass in 3D got them out to the theaters, and that’s pot. It’s the unwritten second half of Obama’s slogan. “Yes We Can…Get High at the Mall.”Read all of the gems from Bill Maher on DOB’s quote page Read it here.
The motivation is simple: Bill wants everyone to get high. He’d probably be funnier if the audience was stoned out of their minds, but Maher drives home another motivation:
In the legalization of marijuana, the Democrats finally could have something they’ve always wanted: a wedge issue. Remember wedge issues? Things like gay marriage and prayer in school and other bulls**t that Republicans used for years to get hillbillies to the polls? That’s how Bush got elected in 2004 — Karl Rove put gay marriage on the ballot in eleven key states, knowing that all the Christian s**t-kickers would come out against boys kissing and stick around to pull the lever for Bungles the Clown.”
Like most on the Left, Maher thrives on the opportunity to rail on the right, especially the Christian right. To Maher and the leftists on Capitol Hill, we’re all just a bunch of ignorant “hillbillies” who can’t think for ourselves and it was all just a grand conspiracy by Karl Rove to strike down gay marriage initiatives.
I wish I could ask Bill how that worked in California where 70 % of the Obama supporters, who were also Black, voted down gay marriage.
Read here: http://deskofbrian.com/2010/10/bill-maher-tells-dems-secret-to-victory-legalize-pot/