Yesterday 3 Democrat Senator in the Senate Finance Committee dared to vote AGAINST the public option in the healthcare reform. (and other left leaning organizations) immediately released attack ads against these Senators: Kent Conrad (D-ND), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Max Baucus (D-MT)
This ad ( by The Progressive Change Campaign Committee & Democracy for America is one example -- this one attacks Baucus: who's the chair of the committee.
Wow, how quickly they turn on their own.
Dissension is only appropriate if it's against Republicans. You MUST the MoveOn political agenda or they WILL come after you.
So, where's the President on this?
Well, he's in Denmark politicking to bring the 2012 Olympics to Chicago. But he's not likely to do more than a offer a few comments without any actions. The White House has mentioned this problem in the past and delivered a few PR friendly "stop it please" sound bites, but MoveOn is calling the shots.
“Senator Conrad is out of step with the country and his political party and needs to be held accountable by his constituents.’s 5 million members expect the Democrats in Congress to deliver on the promise of change that got them elected.” -- Justin Ruben, executive director of
Just a Townhall protesters were called racists over healthcare and now Democratic Senators waffling over the "public option" are viewed as betraying their agenda. A single payer, government plan must be implemented to appease these groups.
Get in their way and they will come after you.
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