A member of our Church family (Dave S.) returned home safely from Afghanistan this last week -- attending service on Veteran's Day no less. We have prayed for his safety and for his family while he was deployed.
Within in days of this good news was the tragic news of another hero that has fallen. Staff Sargent Olaf Schmid, better known simply as "OZ", received a write up in the UK'S Telegraph. The article chronicles his success at disarming 64 roadside bombs in just five months.
Unfortunately his passing came in his last mission before a vacation home to his wife and son. His spouse has disclosed their recent conversations and some details surrounding his declining mood.
We've truly lost another great one and world is less safe now than it was a week ago.
God Bless those still surviving as you remain in our prayers as we rejoice for those who have returned and mourn the fallen.
Fight to win and come home.
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