Do you recognize the country from a year ago? Will you recognize America a year from now?
If I would have told you last year at this time that the government would own General Motors, Chrysler, many of the banks and financial institutions and AIG, that they would fire the CEOs, that they would threaten the banks, that they would shut them down unless they would take bailout money, that they would hire good people for places like AIG and pay them a dollar to fix the problem, a dollar a year, these people would volunteer; but they would also promise them, the government would, that they would promise them bonuses if they would just work for that dollar a year to fix the problem.
When that year came up, they would not give them that bonus, they would vilify them, send their minions (SEIU) out to protest in front of their homes for even wanting the bonus that they were promised by the government and then people in Washington would then set out to have a specific tax drawn up to penalize these people, would you have believed it?

In government structured bailouts, bondholders would lose their legal status and their investments in favor of labor union payoffs and the courts wouldn’t protect the bondholders. Citizens could lose your home and property through eminent domain and eminent domain would expand in staggering ways. California would decide to levy a 10% tax on its people and insist it's not a tax; it's just a forced loan and they (State of California) would issue IOUs instead of state tax refunds. New York would admit by the end of the year they would be broke so the State of New York would issue retroactive taxes. A tax fund for the poorest of Americans (from the Stimulus Bill) would not really be a tax refund (as issued) – instead, those poorest of Americans, would find out many months later that they had to pay income tax on that tax refund – would you have believed it?

If I told you we're going to lose 4 million jobs and the media would report that the White House has created or saved a million jobs even though on their website, Recovery.gov (a $20 million redesigned website) would show that a good portion of these jobs were in about 400 districts that don't even exist – would you have believed it? That they would hold a job summit and not invite the Chamber of Commerce

If I had told you these things a year ago, would you have believed me? Will you recognize America a year from now?

What if you were told that our science czar (John Holdren) would be someone who called for forced abortions and sterilization through the drinking water, who said that the redistribution of wealth would be necessary and it would happen through the environmental movement. That there would be a diversity czar at the FCC (Mark Lloyd) and he would say Americans have to decide soon which Americans would have to step down from their positions in order to give others a chance, that this same man said the revolution in Venezuela was incredible and that we should model our FCC and our programs after Venezuela and the revolution.
If I would have told you that the most frequent visitor of the White House, over the Secretary of State and the czars, is a labor union president who has repeatedly said workers of the world unite; and we know we've got a lot of illegal members, illegal aliens in our membership, but we also represent American workers -- that he would be the most frequent visitor at the White House, would you have believed it?

If I had told you these things a year ago, would you have believed me?
What if I told you that a U.S. congressman would tell the American people that it's unreasonable to expect people in congress to read bills, and he would say that because our congress would pass two bills over 1,000 pages, that no one in congress had read -- one of them was over 2,000 pages – would you have believed it?

Would you have believed that the President of the EU would say that 2009 was the year of establishing a global government through the EU and that the climate change treaty would be the next step in one world government, that there would be a call for the end of the dollar as the world's reserve currency by several massive countries and that the leader of Russia would hold up a coin in front of the cameras and say here's a prototype of the new global currency – could you have believed it?

Would you have believed that it would be Michael Moore, not Code Pink or Cindy Sheehan that would challenge the President, label him the “War President”, when he agreed to ad troops to the Afghanistan War? This coming after hand picking a General for leadership, dithering for months before making that decision to increase troops not withdraw. This announced escalation would come within days of the President receiving the Noble Peace Prize – would you have believed it?
Would these things sound impossible a year ago?
Would you have believed that our president would give an iPod of his speeches to the queen of England or that he would return the bust of Winston Churchill, which was a gift from the people of England after September 11th? Our President’s gift to the British Prime Minister was a set of DVDs (American Classics), but those discs wouldn’t even work because they were the wrong region – would you have believed it?
If I said the President would come out in a speech and announce that although he didn’t have all the information, but the cops acted stupidly because they caught a his friend apparently breaking into his own home. The cops didn't act stupidly, they just did their job and the President would NEVER apologize, instead he would invite them all for a beer summit and use it as a learning experience about diversity, would you believe it?

What will America face next year?
That the U.S. would have a two-day summit to discuss the role of government in journalism and be discussing a government takeover of journalism but no journalist would actually report on that. Several members of the White House staff and the President would speak out against a major news network, even declaring “War on” this network without any outcry from the other networks.
That public school children would be taught songs promoting the President and his policies and that the media would dismiss it, that the President address those school kids, asking for their support through an essay assignment or that the National Endowment of the Arts would organize artists to develop various forms of art (propaganda) to promote the President’s policies – would you have believed it?

Healthcare would be at 36% approval rating, which is lower than Hillary Care, but that those in congress and the White House would still be jamming it down your throats. Congress would vote to federally cover abortions while demanding insurance companies spend 90% of the premiums on coverage. Would you believe that the Senate majority leader would compare opposition to healthcare reform to slavery? The deciding vote in the Senate would be held on a Sunday 1:30 am…
If I had told you these things a year ago, could you have believed me?

That two uninvited people could get into the White House state dinner, chat with the President, be near the prime minister of the largest democracy on the planet and that the response from the White House would dismiss the incident and proclaim to do a better job with security.

What if I told you that we paid another country their entire years GDP to take 11 prisoners from the Gitmo prison and then Attorney General’s office would move the most extreme 5 terrorists, including the mastermind of 9/11, to New York city to stand trial? The Attorney General Eric Holder would proclaim that we would prosecute these terrorists to the full extent of the law, but that this is the same AG whose firm defended the Gitmo prisoners, filing lawsuit after lawsuit trying to protect their civil rights – could you have believed it?
Looking at that list, do you recognize the country that you live in? Is this the same country that you lived in a year ago?
I don't think so. I don't recognize it.
I can be wrong on an awful lot of things, but when will people in this country, when will the media, at least question the direction of our country and the one this President keeps laying out.

I began writing a year end list of different incidents and was inspired by a Glenn Beck rant which I incorporated into this theme. If I had told you that Glenn Beck would be on the cover of TIME magazine, listed as one of the most fascinating people of 2009, you’d be asking what the heck happened – wouldn’t you?
I know I am.
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